Gestalt Therapy: A Brief IntroductionStephen Hirst
`Anybody with the slightest interest in brief therapy should read this book. Now that the initial controversy over brief therapy has begun to subside it is great to see how brief therapy works in practice. Gaie Houston's book is part of a series published by SAGE which sets out to do ...
Gestalt Therapy for Patients with Schizophrenia: A Brief Reviewdoi:10.5325/gestaltreview.16.1.0053Sidse ArnfredArnfred, S. M. H. (2012). Gestalt therapy for patients with schizophrenia: A brief review. Gestalt Review, 16, 53-68.
psychological trauma;PTSD;exposure therapy;eye movements;bilateral stimulation;brief treatment 1. Introduction Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a prevalent, disabling anxiety disorder that may occur after witnessing a traumatic event which then evokes a combination of re-experiencing, avoidance, nu...