How to write a brief description of yourself, with examples Writing a brief description of yourself starts by condensing down the types of facts that you might have on your resume or CV into a format that is more conversational in tone. The idea here is to be unique, inte...
This is the "driving idea" behind the campaign. Usually, it's a short, pithy statement that condenses the campaign into a slogan. Think of something like this from Reebok: Or this one from PayPal: One way to write a better creative brief is to create a press release that you might se...
is modern but blends with the rest of the building.2lawa short spoken or written statement givingfactsabout alawcaseThe ACLU filed a brief(=gave one to the court)opposing the decision.3British Englishlawa law case that alawyerwillarguein acourt4a shortreportabout something5→in brief6→briefs...
statement wouldbebriefsoas to allowmoretime forMembers to ask questions. 是次答問會將不會預設提問範 圍,而行政長官的開場發言也會盡量精簡,務求議員有更多時間提問。 [...] tended to review several ...
Ask yourself: Why are we choosing to launch this campaign? Have we done one like this before? Did it work? Why are we using one platform over another? The answers to these questions will help you to form a specific statement defining the purpose of the advertisement. ...
If you have five declarative statements, your first time is just getting in the zone. It’s really loose and permissive. But once you get into the zone, you have the clay and can make the statement more honest. When you reread the draft, you immediately know, “I’m hol...
Statement of affairs 资产负债状况说明书 在破产申请上,破产人需要填写一份 Statement of affairs,用以列出所有债权人的资料及所欠的债项,详情可 参考法律常识版破产的部份。 Sub-letting 分租 虽然在商业交易上,很多时楼宇均有分租的情况出现,但大 多数的租务合约均有明文规定,不容许租客将楼宇分租,所以在租客 ...
(I had more examples of people prominently resigning from the student organizations and denouncing the letter but several of them have since gone private.) There have also been multiple calls for understanding and clarification about how these Joint Statements actually work in practice: ...
Those who enjoy reading imaginative fiction like The Chronicles of Narnia and The Lord of the Rings by the Wade Center’s authors already know the truth of that statement. From the page to the screen, from the parables Jesus used for the spiritual benefit of his audiences to the trials of...
While some creatives have put this information all together in a quick paragraph, others separate it with headers like “Brand Statement” and “Background.” Here are some questions to consider when writing a company background for your creative brief: ...