Fard framed Islam as “the natural faith” for people whose ancestors came from Africa, before colonization and slavery had forced Christianity onto them. He argued that Black people should abandon Christianity in favor of Islam as their ancestral religion. ...
Brief history of film essaysThe great movie event of 1972 was The Godfather, the top-grossing film of the year and possibly of all time. In a nation apparently worried about violence in motion pictures, on television, and in its streets, the popularity o
000 years ago.The Agricultural Revolutionsped it up about 12,000 years ago.The Scientific Revolution, which got underway only 500 years ago, may well end history and start something completely different.
The Gupta period has been referred to as the Golden Age of Indian history. When Chandragupt I received the gift of Pataliputra in dowry when he married the daughter of the chief of the ‘Licchavis’, he started to lay down the foundation of his empire, which extended from th...
A Brief History of Cyprus With the foundation of Constantinople as the Roman capital in the East, the recipe was writ for a synthesis of Roman civic thought, Greek philosophy, and oriental Christian religion.Salamis, resuming its role as capital, was rebuilt by Constantius 11(337-361), and ...
www.IslamReligion.com It is a web site for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims. It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different aspects of Islam. New articles and videos are added every week. It also features Live Help thru 1-to-1 chat...
ABriefHistoryofWesternCivilization WesternCivilization ABriefHistory JacksonJ Spielvogel BeijingUniversityPress Beijing2,人人文库,
simply like to assess a few moments in the history of this exquisitely polemical concept, moments that allow us to recognize the persistence of certain leitmotifs in the discourse on fanaticism, including the psychologization of politics, the problem of the universal, and the image of Islam. ...
Timeline of History Years Before the Present 13.5 billion Matter and energy appear. Beginning of physics. Atoms and molecules appear. Beginning of chemistry. 4.5 billion Formation of planet Earth. 3.8 billion Emergence of organisms. Beginning of biology. 6 million Last common grandmother of ...
6,000 Years of Jewish history & legacy at a glance in a one-page infographic. The poster combines different fields on a single timeline such as demography, literature, Jewish and World events, traditions, historical figures and more. Every entry on the t