be going all out to demean, demoralize and economically beggar a confident property-owning, independent American middle and working class — a class of citizens which is mostly but not exclusively of European origin, and therefore mostly-sort-of-mainly white under the current popular description. ...
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 25 A detailed description of the preferred embodiment(s) In accordance With one aspect of the present invention, a system, computer product and method for a private com is(are) provided herein beloW by Way of example only and With ...
Demeter Pruning Shears and Beetroot~ The brand description for Pruning Shears— "This scent combines roses with that lovely metallic tang of the shears" — pretty much says it all: this is a soft rose, very green and grassy, with an oddly metallic twist to the top notes. The ...