Costa Rica.(free trade zone may be established with Canada)(Brief Article)ELLIOTT, IAN
Since January to May, bilateral trade volume between Costa Rica and China fell by 2.5% to USD0.77 billion. Costa Rica’s exports to China were USD27.77 thousand, down 26.5%. It accounted for 0.7% of Costa Rica’s overall export, down 0.2%. And Costa Rica’s imports from ...
Events surrounding an infant-killing following a male takeover are described for a group of free-ranging howling monkeys in Costa Rica, and additional evidence is presented for infant disappearances following three previous male takeovers. Infant-killing is best interpreted in this context as a male...
Levi, iii., where this description of the seven heavens is given: "In the highest of which dwelleth the great Glory in the Holy of Holies, and beneath it are the angels of the presence of the Lord, who minister and make propitiation to the Lord for all the ignorance of the righteous...
With one of my best friends overseas at the moment,enjoying romance in Costa Rica,the job of looking after her dog has fallen to me.A few months ago,Missy came to my friend's house at the request of a local vet,and she has been abused during her brief life. When ...
Named among his connections was Sandy Mo, for whom Next Weekly gave a full description of her famous Beijing parties as well as her introduction of Liu Jinbao to many important people. (The Standard) Sandy Mo, the former general manager of Shanghai Land Holdings on trial for alleged fraud ...
However, immatures display great morphological homogeneity, making few species of Diptera from the Cyclorrhaphan group easy to identify. The main species of medical, sanitary, and forensic importance are found in this group, highlighting the relevance of their description. The uniformity of the group...
(China Times) There is also the matter of respondent selection. When the telephone rings, someone picks up the phone to answer. If that person is always interviewed about his/her opinion, then there might be a bias. So the interviewer should go through a respondent selection process. This ...
Costa Rica remains a very special place from the perspective of both Costa Ricans and North Americans. Because of its mountains and its close relation to two oceans, Costa Rica may be the wettest country in the world and most of the country receives more than 2.5 m (100 in.) of rainfall...
Explore Costa Rica.(Brief article)(Book review)Carson, Michael S