工作权限: 过桥A通常可以无限时打工,但偶尔可能会碰到不能打工的情况,具体要看过桥A的下签信上怎么写。 其他: 只要申请的是永居类型签证,在递交了签证申请,获得 Acknowledge letter 与过桥签证后,即便还没有下签,也可以有资格领取 Medicare 临时卡。 2. Bridging Visa B 发放条件: 允许持有BVA的申请者在离境后...
A number of asylum seekers in Australia who are living in the community and do not meet certain criteria specified by the Government are given a Bridging Visa EMarcus, AndrewTaylor, JessieSocial Science Electronic PublishingA. Markus and J. Taylor, `No work, no income, no Medicare--the ...
在递交材料申请之后,移民局会自动发一封email给你,说你被granted了bridging visa. [bridging visa will be granted as a result of the receipt of your visa application.] 这个时候,你就eligible申请免费medicare啦。哇咔咔 重申:只要你有bridging visa granted的email就可申请,与你学生签证是否过期无关。转载请注...
brigding visaAustraliaA number of asylum seekers in Australia who are living in the community and do not meet certain criteria specified by the Government are given a Bridging Visa E (BVE) while their cases are reviewed. The BVE may deny them the right to work or to access education, ...