officials have been working to provide resources for those in communities with low economic opportunities, with low levels of educational attainment, and overall defined as being marginalized This article asks: How can parents and students be more effectively connected with the resources available to ...
There are persuasive arguments for bridging the gap between industry and academia and strengthening their collaboration. The first is that both the pharmaceutical industry and pharmaceutical academia stand to gain from the pooling of their respective resources and infrastructure. Combining these resources wi...
The high level of complementarity between China and Africa in terms of resources and industrial structure has been a key factor driving the growth of trade, which has contributed to both sides' development. As China's economic power continues to grow and the concept of a China-Africa community ...
With the increasing global aging population, how to allocate older people care resources reasonably has become an increasingly urgent international issue. China, as the largest developing country, has made many efforts to actively respond to the challenges of an aging population. However, there are s...
our primary involves parents through informational sessions, workshops, and opportunities to visit the primary school and observe open classes. By empowering parents with knowledge and resources, these programs ensure a collaborative approach t...
increased support systems and shared resources. His motto is Link locally, connect globally. Inc Magazine listed Fred McMurray has Social Media Influencer for 2013-2019. Fred is an Entrepreneur, speaker and platform blogger on social media topics for small business. Fred has co-developed the Digita...
The high level of complementarity between China and Africa in terms of resources and industrial structure has been a key factor driving the growth of trade, which has contributed to both sides' development. As China's econo...
BridgingtheGapBetweenStudentAffairs&AcademicAffairs:BuildinganEfficaciousRelationshipforStudents PresentedbyAngelaGibson BridgingtheGap Atthisroundtablewewilldiscuss:WherethegapexistsWhythegapexistsHowtostartbuildingrelationshipsHowtomaintainrelationshipsImplicationsforFirst-Year&Transitional StudentsAdditionalresources Bridging...
Rural communities have fewer financial resources, making the community colleges located in these regions central to economic development. This chapter reviews the importance of recognizing the rural differential via policy changes and offers strategies to close the resource gap between rural and nonrural ...
Bridging the Gapis an annual conference whose goal is to strengthen K-16 STEM education throughout North Carolina. Bridging the Gapbrings together educators, business leaders, government officials and others who play a role in STEM education to share ideas and resources to ultimately fortify and di...