Hoping the BX fits the bill, next I plan to try a 24 tp5x as well. All i can tell you is the tp5x doesn't bite as quick as the Tour B XS - haven't tested all of them yet but the way i understand it is that the Tour B X is only firmer if you swing faster than 105...
#好物日本直邮Bridgestone Tour BX高尔夫球,特价仅需929元,原价2299元! 想要提升你的高尔夫球技吗? 日本直邮的Bridgestone Tour BX高尔夫球是你不可错过的选择!这款球以其出色的飞行稳定性和卓越的控制性能而闻名,非常适合各种水平的高尔夫球手。现在,售价仅为929元,相比原价2299元,省下的每一分都值得高兴!立即点...
Click here for my PXG 0311 Gen 7 XP & P Review! Click here to shop TPT shafts! txgolfjunkie 2,471 1.1k Instagram: 2_shanks LocationMontgomery, TX Handicap:0.5 Joined Mar 2010 Posted June 25, 2020 I'm a firm believer that the Tour BX and Tour BXS are some of the bes...
Golf balls engineered to fit your style of play. Find the ball for your game and gain accuracy, distance, and a decisive advantage over the competition.
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The work Tony and staff are doing in the ball lab is great - and quite revealing. The latest review on the Bridgestone Tour BXS is, thus far, showing that the top tier/price balls have quality issues - or at least what our initial impression might percei