桑木志帆 ブリヂストンゴルフのギアで国内女子メジャー初制覇! ~TOUR B X/XSゴルフボールで、国内女子ツアー今季3勝目~ 2024/10/21 宮本勝昌 ブリヂストンゴルフのギアで国内シニアツアー6勝目! ~TOUR B X/XSゴルフボールと、241CBアイアンが国内シニアツアー今季3勝目に貢献~ ...
Tour Team Fred Couples Matt Kuchar Jason Day Tiger Woods Chris Gotterup Tiger's Golf Ball Fit You know his name. You know his record. But you might not know why he's fit for Bridgestone Golf — and the TOUR B X. It's because no one spends more time perfecting their equipment than ...
Ball: Tour X Fred Mitchell Member 1,329 636 Instagram: FredMitchell068 LocationMuscle Shoals Alabama Handicap:20 Joined Feb 2023 Posted August 24, 2023 On 9/27/2022 at 8:25 AM, AB Swift said: I've been playing the Bridgestone Tour B RXS for a couple of years now and ...
On 7/25/2024 at 10:26 PM, Chux13 said: Bridgestone is the only brand in which I have seen a pretty sweet deal on "Trial Packs" through Amazon. You can get two sleeves (6 balls) for near the price of one sleeve at the club house. I got the 2024 Tour B X pack to try out...
Ball - SrixonZ-Star Diamond| MaxfliTour X j.b.newton Advanced Members 1.5k Feedback 000 Total Rating0% third-times-a-charm Advanced Members 11.3k Feedback 1800 Total Rating100% Tar_Heel_93 Advanced Members 807 Feedback 1400 Total Rating100% ...
Bridgestone公司声称这种特殊的处理工艺将帮助Tour B款球获得更远的击球距离输出。而外层的孔洞则能帮助球在球道上获得更远的滚动距离,同时在空中更符合空气动力学原理。新款的Tour B是替代之前的Bridgestone出品的高端的B330系列球,新款Tour B能做到每一只球都能符合特定的球员。其中,Tour B X是为了那些需要更远的...
年度第四个LPGA大满贯赛依云锦标赛冠军 古江彩佳冠军推 恭喜普利司通全套装备球手古江彩佳赢得年度第四个LPGA大满贯赛依云锦标赛冠军 冠军装备:普利司通Tour B 3MAX木杆、CB铁杆+XS球 7 美特尔海滩精英赛,普利司通签约球手:克里斯·戈特鲁普(TourB X)决赛轮收获-4以6杆优势夺得职业生涯美巡首胜,他...
It's actually been interesting to see how Tiger has influenced a lot of the Team TaylorMade guys to swap from TP5X to TP5 to get more spin.Another thing to note is Tiger plays essentially the off the rack Tour B XS ball. He doesn't have a special ball made for him by Bridgestone...
Hoping the BX fits the bill, next I plan to try a 24 tp5x as well. All i can tell you is the tp5x doesn't bite as quick as the Tour B XS - haven't tested all of them yet but the way i understand it is that the Tour B X is only firmer if you swing faster than 105...
I have, both tour and tour x. Best value on the market as far as I can tell. The tour especially, it is a slightly higher launching (half a degree) slightly higher spinning (100rpm) prov1 from my testing(driver) . Which for me makes it a little more consistent. But those differen...