[IN開箱] 讓車更好騎!普利司通 Bridgestone Battlax Hypersport S23[IN開箱] 讓車更好騎!普利司通 Bridgestone Battlax Hypersport S232024-09-16 by Bike In普利司通最新運動胎 Battlax Hypersport S23延續系列作的優異性能特別強化濕地操駕表現讓騎士在各種環境天候都能放心享受騎乘樂趣更多海內外二輪資訊及相關情報...
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商品名称:普利司通(Bridgestone)BATTLAX HYPERSPORT S23 商品编号:10097785542977 店铺:摩尔捷摩托车配件专营店 货号:BATTLAX HYPERSPORT S23 适配车型:跨骑车,街车,跑车 类别:半热熔轮胎 是否真空胎:真空胎 产地:日本 类型:高抓地力竞技类 轮胎宽度:160mm
商品名称:普利司通(Bridgestone)BATTLAX HYPERSPORT S23 商品编号:10098774693026 店铺:摩尔捷摩托车配件专营店 货号:BATTLAX HYPERSPORT S23 适配车型:跨骑车,街车,跑车 类别:半热熔轮胎 是否真空胎:真空胎 产地:日本 类型:高抓地力竞技类 轮胎宽度:120mm
過往曾擔任MotoGP輪胎供應商的日本Bridgestone普利司通,今日舉辦了旗下最新款運動胎款BATTLAX HYPERSPORT S23的新胎發表會,這款從S22全面進化而來的新胎款,增強了8%磨耗、更強大的胎側抓地力、濕地路面安全性、全新開發的胎面膠料等,讓騎士能更肆意享受車輛性能帶來的操控樂趣。
Battlax Hypersport S23也用上了Bridgestone全新設計的材質,讓輪胎的抓地力在晴天和雨天都能夠維持著優異的表現,讓駕駛可以更放心的在賽道上進行激烈操駕,力求最佳單圈成績! 用上了全新的材質,讓你可以在任何天氣下都放心的操駕車輛 除了賽道上能夠擁有著優異的抓地力表現之外,Bridgestone官方還採用了當家的Pulse ...
We never take what the manufacturer says at face value, preferring to test things out for ourselves. Seeing as how the new BATTLAX HYPERSPORT S22 Sports Radial Tireswill come out later this month, it’s entirely possible that we could test these tires this year. If we do, we’ll let yo...
BATTLAX RACING STREET RS10 The first Bridgestone, the first high-grip original equipment tire ever to appear on the R1 series. Specs focused on transiency during rolls and ground contact during full banking at the highest speed zones.
Bridgestone Corporation is the world's largest tire and rubber company. In addition to tires, Bridgestone manufactures diversified products, which include industrial rubber and chemical products as well as sporting goods.
商品名称:普利司通(Bridgestone)BATTLAX HYPERSPORT S23 商品编号:10097785542978 店铺: 摩尔捷摩托车配件专营店 货号:BATTLAX HYPERSPORT S23 适配车型:跨骑车,街车,跑车 类别:半热熔轮胎 是否真空胎:真空胎 产地:日本 类型:高抓地力竞技类 尺寸:17英寸 轮胎宽度:180mm 国产/进口:进口 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障...