Bridges Math最大的特色就是会应用大量的统计图表:柱形图、折线图、扇形图等。结合这些图表,解答习题中的问题,一方面提升孩子们观察和分析能力,另一方面,还能加深他们对统计数字的理解,强化图表在数学学习过程中的应用。 例如Grade 3练习册中一道柱状图的题目, Sam统计了他们班同学最喜爱的宠物,并绘制了如上的柱形图。
这套练习册叫做Bridges Math,是美国Math Learning Center(数学学习中心)编撰的一套数学辅导书籍,很多...
Math Language arts Science Social studies Spanish Recommendations Skill plans IXL plans Textbooks Test prep Awards View by: Grades Topics Weekly plans Skill plans Skill plan for Bridges® in Mathematics - 2nd grade IXL provides skill alignments with recommended IXL skills for each ...
Math Bridges offers fun, fast math games for kids so they can have fun while learning! Adjust math games to your child’s grade, travel the valley and fix bridges by counting numbers with TOBY and feel more confident in school. Download Math Bridges today and see your child improve in mat...
The Bridges Grade One Supplement is a collection of activities written to help teachers address the Com-mon Core State Standards published in 2010. These materials are available for free as downloadable files on The Math Learning Center Web site at This supplement will con...
Numbers offers fun, fast math games for kids so they can have fun while learning! Adjust math games to your child’s grade, travel the valley and fix bridges by counting numbers with TOBY and feel more confident in school. Download Numbers today and see your child improve in math! For su...
Math Performance Meets Expectations Students/Teachers at Bridges Preparatory Academy These counts and percentages of students and teachers are from data reported by state education agencies to the federal government. School information is provided by the government. Enrollment by Grade 60 45 30 15 0 ...
• Play math games as a class in school, and help children feel independent in math • Encourage learning and make improvements in addition and subtraction Numbers offers fun, fast math games for kids so they can have fun while learning! Adjust math games to your child’s grade, travel ...
9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade Student Diversity 6.3% Minority Enrollment 6.3% Minority Enrollment 93.7% White 3.2% Hispanic 1.6% Black 1.6% Two or More Races Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Asian and American Indian/Alaska Native are not included in this break...
My time with Andrew impacted how I used food in the classroom. Suddenly, math time with m&m’s for counters, pudding in the sensory table, and pasting pasta on paper were entirely insensitive teaching decisions. To children with limited access to food, playing or wasting it is unfair. ...