Responding to Weak Two bids Recap A reminder of the quick/rough guide to how to respond to major-suit weak two opening bids. TYPE OF HAND (RESPONDER) No/little support for partner’s suit. Support for partner’s suit. Weak hand (say up to 12/13 hcp) Pass Raise to 3 (pre-emptive)...
A. Opening-Bid Requirements BWS-2017 is a mostly natural system based on an artificial, strong two-club opening, weak two-bids in the other suits, strong notrump (with Stayman and transfers), and five-card majors (with a semi-forcing one-notrump response and game-forcing two-over-one ...
Ogust is a conventional 2NT response to a weak two bid or weak jump overcall. It is an artificial strong bid, showing 15+ points with interest in game.
Weak two-bids are well ensconced in the bridge world and are now part of any beginning program of lessons. They are, however, in that class of "most abused" conventions. An understanding of all the important tools that are at your fingertips will serve you well in making these decisions ...
Lebensohl over their weak two-bids DONT convention Lead conventions Cuebids of the opponent's suit Lebensohl over reverses Signaling methods Mixed raises Soloway-Style Jump Shifts Doubles "Sandwich seat" bids Constructive bidding Negative doubles Lebensohl in 1NT auctions Accepting game-try bids Respo...
The Bridge Buff variety limits the meanings to just the weak two bids. After opener opens 2, if responder has length in only one major, he should tread carefully because usually opener will have his shorter major. Here are the responses that Buff uses. 2 is pass or correct to 2. 2 ...
Weak two-bids shows 6 cards suit. 2 Clubs opening is strong and artificial. Limit raises, Stayman, transfers, RKCB, negative doubles, are standard conventions. Jump overcalls are preemptive in competition. Doubles of opponent's suit openings are take out through the game...The Advanced ...
Oct 2023 – CueBids –Connect to your partner and start bidding. No need to be online at the same time. Compare with professionals and friends. Get instant feedback. Free.MAY 2023 – The latest version of the ACBL Convention Charts is available at
Fantastic graphics and a strong and respected bridge engine allows players to become involved, stimulated and challenged with every deal.Game features:* Supports ACOL and Standard American bidding systems.* Supports 5 card majors, strong 2 clubs, weak 1NT, Jacoby Transfers and 2NT 11-12 points ...
Weak two-bidsin diamonds, hearts and spades. Opening Bids BidDescriptionRelated Conventions 1opening bid3+ clubs, 13-22 pointsLimit Raises 1opening bid3+ diamonds, 13-22 pointsLimit Raises 1opening bid5+ hearts, 13-22 pointsLimit Raises ...