Jacoby 2NT is an artificial, game-forcing response to partner's 1M opening bid (e.g. 1: 2NT). Jacoby Transfers Jacoby Transfers are used when partner bids no-trumps and you hold a 5+ card major. Michaels Cuebid The Michaels convention is a type of cuebid that shows a two-suited ha...
Opening bids at the 1-level are limited to a maximum of 17 points Responder bids a 5-card major after an opening bid of 1 An opening bid of 1 is always at least a 5-card suit A 1NT response to an opening bid of 1 shows 11-15 High Card Points An opening bid of 2 is a balan...
Stayman is also used after a 1NT overcall, opening bids of 2NT or 3NT, and notrump rebids after aopening 2(artificial and strong) bid. 2NT : 3 3NT : 4 2 : 2 2NT : 3 2 : 2 3NT: 4 Stayman is also used when responder is interested in a minor-suit slam but does NOT hav...
national natural 自然, 自然叫 pre pre emptive 阻击, 阻击性, 阻击叫 n / a sign off, shut off 止叫 opening bank 开叫强 强牌: strong; table 将牌问叫 trump asking bid unbal unbalanced 非平均牌型有局 有局方 lgvs or v . nonvulnerable 无局方 nv art artificial 人为, 人为的 what 姿态 ...
Class 1: suits, trump, notrump, counting High Card Points, counting distribution points, playing to a trick, keeping track of tricks, a little about scoring, and a start on how to make the first bid. Class 2: More on that first bid. Opening bids of 1NT and how to respond. Class ...
From the bidding and the lead, it is easy to place the missing honors: The♦QJ are in West and almost everything else must be in East, to justify his opening bid. East must have both missing aces and at least 1 (or both) of the missing Spade honors. ...
Rep. Blake Moore was unanimously reelected by voice vote to the role of GOP conference vice chair, according to two people in the room. While the Utah Republican previously weighed a bid for conference chair, he ultimately opted to seek a full second term as vice chair. Moore moved into ...
三、其他术语.national natural 自然,自然叫pre pre emptive阻击,阻击性,阻击叫n / a sign off, shut off 止叫opening bank 开叫 强强牌:strong;table 将牌问叫 trump asking bidunb al unbalanced非平均牌型有局有局方 Igvs or v ”.nonvulnerable 无局方 nvart artificial 人为,人为的what...
Shirley Seals-District 9 Representative to the ACBL Board of Directors Jonathan Steinberg-Former District 2 Representative to ACBL Board of Directors David Stevenson-International Tournament Director - United Kingdom Chis Hasney-Hereford Arizona If you have a page that you would like linked from this ...