Dental-bridge repair devicedoi:US1493678Complete Patent Searching Database and Patent Data Analytics Services.Ray, Kidd Howard
Bridge health monitoring (BHM) has become increasingly significant in the life-cycle of the structure such as maintenance, repair and rehabilitation. It is necessary to use BHM information efficiently to assess the working conditions of the bridge. The main objective of this study is to develop an...
Bridge health monitoring (BHM) has become increasingly significant in the life-cycle of the structure such as maintenance, repair and rehabilitation. It is necessary to use BHM information efficiently to assess the working conditions of the bridge. The main objective of this study is to develop an...
aftercleft-palaterepair,mostchildreneventuallycatchupanddevelopnear normalspeech,althoughsomewillrequirespeechtherapyoradditional surgerylateron. Whataboutdentalproblems? Childrenwhosecleftlip/palateextendsintotheuppergums(whichcontainthe teeth)havespecialdentalproblems.Someprindpermanentteethmay ...
U.S. Pat. No. 5,354,305, entitled “Nerve repair device” discloses a nerve repair device which includes a resilient, elongated implant, and transverse pins for retaining the implant fixedly within the ends of the severed nerve. A sharp tip extends longitudinally from at least one end of...
Under the proposed regulations, additional or alternative warnings would be required for certain product exposures: food and dietary supplements, alcoholic beverages, passenger vehicles, prescription drugs, dental care, and furniture products. The proposed regulations also address additional or alternative req...
Dental-bridge repair deviceKIDD HOWARD RAY
Method for producing crown or bridge for dental repair - involves fixed metal parts being held by hole while machined and then replace by pin for insertion into mouthCrowns, bridges etc. or full dentures are made from fixed primary and releasably fixed secondary metal parts using a connecting ...