An AC bridge is usually balanced by adjusting two components rather than one, since the balancing of such a bridge depends on the ratio of the impedances of its arms, which in the presence of capacitances and inductances are complex quantities. The magnitudes of the quantities being measured ...
stimulation is delivered by a stimulating electrode which has a waffle-like configuration whereby a plurality of iridium oxide electrode pads, coupled in parallel, so as to be characterized by a long effective edge distance, transfer the stimulating charge. The electrical components of the implantable...
in- cidental,consequential,orotherdamages,evenifapprisedofthelikelihoodofsuch damages. III TABLEOFCONTENTS SectionPage SECTION700--MISCELLANEOUSCONSTRUCTION 700Outline3... 770HighwayLighting7... 772HighwayTrafficSignals18... SECTION800--MATERIALS 800Outline37... 895HighwayLighting43......
An AC bridge is usually balanced by adjusting two components rather than one, since the balancing of such a bridge depends on the ratio of the impedances of its arms, which in the presence of capacitances and inductances are complex quantities. The magnitudes of the quantities being measured ...
bridge-building the use of thin-wall components made of high-strength concrete is acquiring increasing importance, as are the standardization of the prefabricated elements for spans and piers, the creation of new types of prestressed components, and the development of standard casings and erecting ...
An AC bridge is usually balanced by adjusting two components rather than one, since the balancing of such a bridge depends on the ratio of the impedances of its arms, which in the presence of capacitances and inductances are complex quantities. The magnitudes of the quantities being measured ...