Roadworks and closures for the Bexhill to Hastings Link Road – East Sussex County Council Information about roadworks and the closure of Ninfield bridge as part of the construction of the Bexhill Hastings link road. Engagement Officer, Bexhill to Hastings Link Road, 01273 335743 - East Sussex...
WMATA needs your help testing new SmarTrip passes DC Mythbusting: Air Conditioning Edition Grease Spill Causes U Street Havoc Nats Pick Up Ninth Inning Victory Over the Padres Heat Kinks on Metro to Slow Evening Commute DCRA Launches One-Stop Shop for Property Info Road Closures in Ar...
— Carl Stevens (@carlwbz)July 25, 2017 Officialsconducted a weekend "dry run" of the lane closuresback in June to try to find out how drivers would be impacted ahead of the start of the project. MassDOT said this first leg of the bridge replacement should be finished by August 14...