We meet as church community every Sunday at 2 locations, in Bolton and Horwich, and stream a live online service on YouTube. Find out more about where and when we meet below.If you would like to join one of our Bridge Teams and play your part in our vision becoming a reality, please...
位於伯頓的橋旅館(The Bridge Inn Hotel)周圍環境優雅,最引人注目的地標便是皇家博爾頓醫院(Royal Bolton Hospital)。這所醫院不僅是當地居民的重要醫療設施,更是提供高質素醫療服務的樞紐。醫院的建築設計現代而實用,周圍環境綠意盎然,為訪客提供了一個舒適的氛圍。無論是探望病人還是尋求醫療協助,這裡都能讓人感受到...