Earlier this year, Microsoft had announced the Desktop Bridge that would allow developers to migrate their desktop apps to the new Modern UI and make them available on the Windows Store. The company has announced that these apps are now being made available for download on all Windows 10 ...
方法步骤 1.点击【win+r】,在弹出来的窗口中,输入【powershell】,点击确定。2.进入到管理员页面,在页面中输入【get-appxpackage *MicrosoftOfficeHub* | remove-Appxpackage】,按下回车键。3.然后再次输入【add-appxpackage -register “C:Program FilesWindowsApps*MicrosoftOfficeHub* AppxManifest...
Apps must run as an interactive user. SeeUI Automation Security Overviewfor details. 7. Windows Runtime metadata validation Background Ensures that the components that ship in an app conform to the UWP type system. Test details This test throws a number of flags related to proper type usage....
I have had this problem for a few weeks on my desktop Windows 10. Today I decided to load an older version of Bridge, the last of the 12 series...BINGO Both the older and the latest now open and function but you have to keep the older version downloaded HOORAY. DK Votes U...
Keep track of your bridge game! You can track a full rubber or get the scores for individual hands, and also contains a reference section for when you can't remember how many points that third undertrick is worth. Also supports PBN file import/export of
Earlier this year, Microsoft had announced the Desktop Bridge that would allow developers to migrate their desktop apps to the new Modern UI and make them available on the Windows Store. The company has announced that these apps are now being made availa
Bridge tournament edition 其他信息 发布者 ZingMagic Limited 版权 ZingMagic Limited 开发者 ZingMagic Limited 发布日期 2016/5/24 近似大小 46.52 MB 年龄分级 适合3 岁及以上人士 类别 动作与冒险 此应用的功能 访问Internet 连接 权限信息 在登录 Microsoft 帐户后获取此应用,并安装到最多 10 台 Windows 10...
摘要:Windows Bridge for iOS的代号为Project Islandwood,这个项目已经在开源托管平台GitHub上被点亮了超过4500颗星、并且被fork了500余次。微软的这一举动似乎已经取得了不错的胜利,而且社区里的一大票伙计们为其提交了大量的反馈。而在被挖出的200多个问题中,微软已经修复了它们中的大多数。
部署PortBridge 代理的另一個選擇是通過 azure,簡單的方法來部署 Windows 商店應用程式的應用程式。Azure 應用程式是一個免費的軟體,與預先包裝 Vm 現成的部署,和它有一個預先包裝好的 PortBridge 虛擬機器,如中所示圖 12。你可以安裝應用程式從 azureappsforazure....
I try and open Bridge through the CC interface. A warning box without any text opens and then Bridge is unresponsive. I'm running on a PC on Windows 10. I've - 13510915