The "Bridal Chorus" (German: "Treulich geführt") from the 1850 opera Lohengrin by German composer Richard Wagner – who also wrote the libretto – is a march played for the bride's entrance at many formal weddings throughout the Western world. 婚禮合唱(Bridal Chorus)來自於西元1850年的歌劇...
Define bridal party. bridal party synonyms, bridal party pronunciation, bridal party translation, English dictionary definition of bridal party. bridal party. Translations. English: bridal party n Angehörige pl und Freunde pl der Braut. German / Deuts
About 'Bridal Chorus' Artist: Richard Wagner (biography) Born: May 22, 1813 , Leipzig, Germany, Died: February 13, 1883 , Venice The Artist: Wilhelm Richard Wagner (May 22, 1813 - February 13, 1883) was an influential German composer, music theorist, and essayist, primarily known for hi...
[chorus exits]Now for those of you who speak no German and wish to know the actual lyrics to this famous song --they are NOT "Here comes the bride, all dressed in white"-- here is a computer translation into English:CHORUSTreulich guarded remain, where you the benediction of the love ...
Eint euch in Treue zum seligsten Paar.[chorus exits]Now for those of you who speak no German and wish to know the actual lyrics to this famous song --they are NOT "Here comes the bride, all dressed in white"-- here is a computer translation into English:CHORUSTreulich guarded remain,...