所有活动 > Brick Rigs 活动 > Update 1.7 released! Hello everyone!Update 1.7 is finally live on the main branch! It contains a bunch of new features as well as many other improvements and fixes. Here are the highlights: Made wheels, text bricks, image bricks, lights and exhausts scalable ...
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ElementalUpgrade.RightSide.RightSide_Corrosive 分享13赞 brickrigs吧 开心商店123 【brickrigs吧】吧规brickrigs吧是一个提供给所有喜好brickrigs游戏的同好者而提供的专用平台,与brickrigs主题无关的请自觉移步至其它贴吧,在吧内发布一切带有诋毁性质言论者,将视为恶意扰乱brickr...
✅ When I launch Brick Rigs it says "The following component(s) are required to run this...:Every time I try to run Brick Rigs on my computer it gives me the message "The following components(s) are required to run this program: directx...
Hello everyone! In the first update of 2018 there are a bunch of new bricks, bug fixes and improvements. Have fun exploring the new bricks and possibilities that come with them! New: - Racing wheel - Large dump truck wheel - Sensor brick - Switch brick -
Hello everyone, After a long beta testing phase this new update is finally released. Besides many bug fixes some new features made it in as well. Improvements: -Vehicles in multiplayer more stable -Projectiles inherit the velocity of the vehicle -Better
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Hello! This update packs a lot of content again, and this time there is something for everyone to be excited about, guaranteed! Major changes: - Huge performance improvements for large vehicles - New aeordynamic simulation - Over 20 new bricks, including
Hello! Today we have another update, this time around with a new map! Added: - New "Canyon" map (work in progress) - New input actions to customize controls for guns, couplings etc. - Remote control brick, allows bricks disconnected from the dr