Not all Masons are obligated on the Christian Bible. Masonry is universal and men of every creed are eligible for membership so long as they accept the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man. Therefore, the candidate should be obligated on the Book of the Sacred Law which he accepts ...
2 hours maybe a bit far for a Toronto Mason, have you tried finding local masons who can look at your wall question? Like · Reply · Flag Denise S Wood · July 28, 2021 I have had a neighbor, surprisingly, a doctor and a lawyer on paper, that has been harassing me to sell ...
I found a brick today near my home in NE Ohio that is very heavy with no holes and has Bessemer Block Youngstown OH on it and was wondering if you have any idea how old it might be. Do they still put brands on bricks today? If not, when did they stop doing so? thanks very much!
How can we distinguish between brick cracking due to roof or parapet wall leaks and brick cracking due to thermal movement: a leak and frost related crack on a masonry building tends to be horizontal near the top of the building wall at about the location of the roof surface behind the par...