Inspired by the famous bakeries in London, Brick Lane Bagel Co. Behind the food-to-go menu is a nostalgic mix of Irish salt beef brisket, oak-smoked salmon, and…
地址:Beigel Bake, 159 Brick Lane, London E1 6SB Crosstown Doughnuts 官网链接 这家颜值与味道并存的甜甜圈店就在上面介绍的Bagel店的旁边。Crosstown Doughnuts的分店遍布在伦敦的各个角落,建议大家最好在去之前去官网上提前pre-order,这样不仅可以省去排队的时间,还能确保能买到自己喜欢的口味。焦糖香蕉味、抹茶柚...
the numerous vintage stores will also be open during the week, as are the two famous bagel stores where you’ll probably get more pleasant service due to lesser crowds. There’s some decent street art in the side streets off Brick Lane, and you’ll be able to see and appreciate them a...
[#IABV2_LABEL_PURPOSES#] [#IABV2_LABEL_FEATURES#] [#IABV2_LABEL_PARTNERS#] HAND FINISHED ByClare Halifax 3 colour screenprint of the iconic Brick Lane Bagel spots! Hand-finished with 20ct citron gold. Added to bagYour product will be added to bag for 30 minutes ...
地址:Beigel Bake, 159 Brick Lane, London E1 6SB Crosstown Doughnuts 官网链接 这家颜值与味道并存的甜甜圈店就在上面介绍的Bagel店的旁边。Crosstown Doughnuts的分店遍布在伦敦的各个角落,建议大家最好在去之前去官网上提前pre-order,这样不仅可以省去排队的时间,还能确保能买到自己喜欢的口味。焦糖香蕉味、抹茶柚...