View Brian's Speaking Calendar “There are many public speaking courses you can take. The best, the one that changed my life, was Brian Tracy’s course. It’s an amazing opportunity that you really should take advantage of.” Chalene Johnson, Fitness Expert, Celebrity Trainer, Entrepreneur an...
A local insurance salesman, who had been present on several occasions to support the vigil but who had not taken the prescribed nonviolence training, stepped out on the tracks on his own, without giving notice, when few vigilers were present as a munitions train slowly moved toward him. The ...
Representatives Boxer, Miller, and Edwards of California, and U.S. Senators Kerry, Kennedy, Leahy, and Jeffords of Massachusetts and Vermont, where I had lived most of my life since 1980. I had received no replies as of September 1. On August 23, Holley Rauen and I were married. We ...