We consider the fallout of the UK’s extraordinary referendum vote to leave the European Union. We examine the economic impact in both the UK and the continent…
the UK higher education sector faced multiple challenges stemming from the geopolitical and economic implications of Brexit. EU student enrolments have halved, access to EU research funding has become fraught with uncertainty, the pull of UK institutions on EU researchers and ...
This time the vote was closer than previous votes had been (286 in support and 344 in opposition), but the plan still went down in defeat. Time was running out. By April 12 the U.K. had to decide whether it would leave the EU without an agreement on that day or request a longer ...
If MP’s vote against the deal and against no deal, Theresa May could ask for more time to seek changes. If MP’s agree with this then Brexit could be delayed for a further two months. However, if MP’s vote against more time, then these events could potentially pave the way for a...
However, she did not offer any new proposed date for the parliamentary vote. She said the Northern Ireland "backstop" is still a "widespread and deep concern" among MPs over the much criticized Brexit agreement reached last month between London and Brussels after months of painful negotiations. ...
Still, May insisted the deal was good for Britain, and delivered the result of the June 2016 referendum when Britain voted to end its EU membership. WHAT IF A NO VOTE? The prime minister has started the week on a so-called charm offensive to "sell" her deal to the people of Britain....
If MP’s vote against the deal and against no deal, Theresa May could ask for more time to seek changes. If MP’s agree with this then Brexit could be delayed for a further two months. However, if MP’s vote against more time, then these events could potentially pave the way for a...
"Never did I think a time would exist where I’d get abuse from Conservatives for telling Conservatives to vote for Conservatives, but here we are," said Stephen Canning a local councillor campaigning for the Conservatives in a pro-Brexit part of south-east England. BREXIT DEAD...
regrexit(noun): a supposed regretting of the decision to vote for Brexit soft Brexit(noun): a watered-down agreement leaving the UK half-in and half-out of the EU Possible exit terms for other EU countries Many possible tongue-in-cheek variations have been proposed, such as: ...
While the fall in the value of the pound after the Brexit vote helped exporters, the higher price of imports was passed onto consumers and had a significant impact on the annualinflationrate. Consumer Prices Index (CPI) inflation hit 3.1% in the 12 months leading up to November 2017, a ne...