Brexit partyBrexitpopulism2019 European electionsThe British referendum on EU membership was both the result and the cause of major ruptures and reconfigurations of the British political order. It also marked the climax of the politicization of European integration, as highlighted by the post-...
HARTLEPOOL, England (AP) — Brexit Party chief Nigel Farage changed course Monday, announcing that his party would not challenge Conservative candidates in nearly half of the U.K.'
ArchitectsRem Koolhaasand Stephan Petermann have produced a film explaining why, at the same price as aNetflixsubscription, EU membership offers value for money to UK citizens.More Brexit Party logo "a very clever piece of graphic design" says Design of the Year winner ...
With “get Brexit done” as his slogan, Johnson led his party to a landslide election victory. …he oversaw Britain’s departure from the union with one of the hardest possible versions of Brexit… But the government has struggled to show the benefits. …it is clear that although Brexit ha...
4.British voters formally accepted EEC membership in a referendum in 1975, when 67 percent voters said yes while 33 percent said No. 英国选民在1975年的一次公投中正式接受了欧洲经济共同体,那次公投中67%的选民同意加入EEC, 33%反...
“go it alone.” Polling ahead of the contest indicated a tight race, and both Cameron and Labour Party leaderJeremy Corbynmade the case for continued EU membership. In the event, 52 percent of voters supported a “Brexit” from the EU, a result that Farage heralded as Britain’s “...
Instead of gaining a stronger hand for the Brexit negotiations, however, she saw her Conservative Party lose its governing majority in the House of Commons and become dependent on “confidence and supply” support from Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party (DUP). May’s objective of ...
UKIP, the United Kingdom Independence Party, was formed 30 years ago tasked with ending Britain's membership of the EU. UKIP chairman Paul Oakden said Bolton was offered the opportunity to resign but said he had made it clear that he feels he is the right man to lead the party forward....
The ex-leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), a key figure in forcing Britain's 2016 referendum on European Union (EU) membership three years ago, shocked Westminster again. It was Farage who led the UKIP to victory in the last European Parliament elections in 2014, the first time th...
Adapted from “H.M. Treasury analysis: The long-term economic impact of EU membership and the alternatives,” April 201643 Leave supporters discounted such economic projections under the label “Project Fear.” A pro-Brexit outfit associated with the U.K. Independence Party (UKIP), which was fo...