CARL HALLION - PARCHED BREWERY • WEST END, BRISBANE If you could have any person in the world join you on a brew day, who would it be, and why? It's two, actually: Anthony Clem and Jake Banachak from WellBrewd. Those blokes have forgotten more about brewing than I will ever kn...
This great experience will take you on a river cruise stopping at some of Brisbane’s most-loved breweries; BrewDog, Sea Legs Brewing, Black Hops Brewing, Felons Barrel Hall, or Ballistic Beer West End. Be sure to experience a 4 hour guided brewery cruise along the Brisbane River to all ...
“I was brewing in uni in Brisbane in the laundry with my brother and some flatmates,” Cameron reminisces. “When I moved to Europe, I got back into brewing. When I first moved to Oslo, my neighbour gave me a bottle of homebrew which really impressed me. So I decided to pick up th...
This great experience will take you on a river cruise stopping at some of Brisbane’s most-loved breweries; BrewDog, Sea Legs Brewing, Black Hops Brewing, Felons Barrel Hall, or Ballistic Beer West End. Be sure to experience a 4 hour guided brewery cruise along the Brisbane River to all ...