Taproom and Restaurant 1052 Horizon Dr, Fairfield CA 94533 Tuesday - Sunday11:30 AM - 10 PM Monday11:30 AM - 9 PM Currently On TapFood Menu Follow Us on Instagram @HereticBrewing
Plus, Li'l Greek Kitchen will be popping up in the Lounge with Greek street food, so get here early and grab yourself a bite! DETAILS Jan. 25 speakeasy shuffle subeerban brewery crawl Everyone's feeling antsy by the end of January, so we teamed up with our friends at Black Horizon Br...
taphouse has always been a dream for our team; we never imagined we’d be able to score such a beautiful waterfront location; as ocean-lovers ourselves, we’re still pinching ourselves that we get to cheers beers with everyone as the sun sinks over that endless blue Indian Ocean horizon....
Similar “soft” columns appeared throughout the Anglosphere, a balm or distraction from the daily strains of wartime life. The American entertainer Bob Hope wrote one, although less literate than Wayfarer’s. Ideal with a Hope effusioninthis post,the backdrop was beer in wartime Burma. ThePale...
Every Wednesday morning for the past month and a half, this group has been ascending Horsetooth Rock in order to catch a glimpse of the first rays of sunlight streaming over the horizon. Hot coffee is brewed via JetBoil and all ten to twenty of us chow down on homemade breakfast burritos...
We are optimistic that there are positive things on the horizon for Marble and we hope you’ll stand by as we continue our journey in the New Mexico craft beer community. October is Alzheimer’s awareness month. We brewed the #ENDALZ Raspberry Guava Smoothie beer in support of the Alzheimer...
inTable 2, the one parameter that had the most significant effect (p-value < 0.05) on the root development of mung bean was the concentration at which algae extracts were diluted, 0.5 and 2 g/L. In any case, these results highlight the growth promotion capacity of the microalgal biomass...