/bin/zsh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://gitee.com/cunkai/HomebrewCN/raw/master/Homebrew.sh)" # centos /bin/sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://gitee.com/cunkai/HomebrewCN/raw/master/Homebrew.sh)" # 选择中科大 brew install brew-csak-completion brew cask install cakebrew xxx@spider ~ % /bin/...
后来下载保存了一个brew_install.rb文件,通过ruby brew_install.rb下载,也不行,回过头来又叫我用官网命令下载。在网上看到说要改hosts文件,我也改了,都不可以。 最多的就是下面这种: Warning: The Ruby Homebrew installer is now deprecated and has been rewritten in Bash. Please migrate to the following c...
大多数Linux发行版都有一个很好的包管理系统(例如Debian / Ubuntu中的“apt / deb”和CentOS / RedHat中的“yum / rpm”),但是 标准存储库中的软件包通常比最新的可用版本旧,和 许多开源包在标准库中不可用(例如常见的生物信息学工具)。 LinuxBrew提供的软件安装Recipe(包从源代码安装在本地机器上编译),以补...
Homebrew的官方网站http://brew.sh/index.html上有这么一句“Homebrew installs the stuffyouneed that ... CentOS 6.3 中安装VirtualBOX增强工具失败:Building the main Guest Additions module[FAILED] 在VirtualBox里安装CentOS系统,会遇到“增强工具”无法正常安装,主要的原因是出在Kernel 库找...
Mac使用brew install 安装wget工具报错 fatal: not in a git directory Error: Command failed with exit 128: git 在Mac OS 通过 brew 安装wget工具时, 报如下错误 解决方法 1.先执行诊断,查看问题所在 brew doctor 1. 会有如下警告提示 2.根据警告, 执行提示的命令一一解决...
In order to be able to build PHP from an arbitrary source tree (e.g. from a git branch), an additional set of dependencies is needed. HomeBrew brew install bison re2c Ubuntu sudo apt-get install bison re2c Fedora/CentOS sudo yum install bison re2c ...
This happens inconsistently; on my RH6 station it happens during install; on a CentOS6 docker image it happens after installation, but when running any of thebrewcommands (e.g.doctor,config) The internet suggests this is a old ruby (1.8) problem. There's a test in the installer for miss...
直接访问https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh路径,保存文件本地安装 如果访问不了上面的地址, 可以直接复制下面的代码, 里面的内容是一样的 #!/bin/bashset-u # First checkiftheOSis Linux.if[["$(uname)"="Linux"]];thenHOMEBREW_ON_LINUX=1fi ...
它就类似于centos下的yum 和 Ubuntu下的apt-get 可以轻松的管理你所需要的软件,而不用过多的关注依赖内容 安装: /usr/bin/ruby -e"$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"//复制到终端执行即可 看一下brew的基本使用吧,命令查找可以参考官网文档 ...
1.执行 brew install xxx 命令报错 代码语言:shell 复制 fatal: unsafe repository('/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-cask'is owned by someoneelse)Toaddan exceptionforthis directory, call:gitconfig--global--addsafe.directory /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-cask ...