Breville BOV650XL Compact Smart Oven Best Bang For Your Buck So maybe the full-sized Breville Smart Oven is out of your price range or it's just too big for your space. Fear not — not all hope is lost on having a high-tech Breville toaster oven. TheBrevile Compact Smart Ovenis the...
Price History ✔ Breville BOV650XL Compact Smart Oven Stainless Steel ✔ Breville BOV450XL Mini Smart Oven with Element IQPopular Comparisons Breville BOV845BSS Smart Oven Pro vs Breville BOV800XL Convection Toaster Oven with Element IQ Cuisinart TOB-135 Deluxe Convection Toaster Oven Broiler...
The issue is with the push button on the "Control PCB". It appears that one of the legs in the switch no longer connects or shorts and it causes it to trigger the "Convection" button instead. The fix is to replace that switch or order a new circuit board. I ended up un-soldering ...