Breville BOV800XL Smart Oven 1800-Watt Convection Toaster...SIWAPHONG KIATTALERNGRIT
BOV800XL Origin China China About the Product Cuisinart®’s Chef’s Convection Toaster Oven boasts 15 cooking functions and offers special settings for speed convection, sandwiches, and bagels. With 1800 watts, the Oven quickly heats up and the Exact Heat™ sensor produces precise temperatures...
The Breville BOV900BSS Smart Oven Air is our favorite convection countertop toaster oven that we've reviewed. With superb construction, a two-year warranty, and interior capacity to hold standard 1/4-sheet sized baking pans and large casseroles, this model can ea...
美亚海淘链接:Breville BOV845BSS Smart Oven Pro 1800 W Convection Toaster Oven with Element IQ, Brushed Stainless Steel 4 Breville 800JEXL 精英榨汁机 Breville 800JEXL是一款喷泉榨汁机,能够高速榨汁,确保营养不流失,让您尽享美味果汁。从结构上来说,它由一个不锈钢榨汁罐,和一个不锈钢过滤器,以及一个3英寸...
The issue is with the push button on the "Control PCB". It appears that one of the legs in the switch no longer connects or shorts and it causes it to trigger the "Convection" button instead. The fix is to replace that switch or order a new circuit board. I ended up un-soldering ...