商品评价: 4.7 高 物流履约: -- -- 售后服务: 4.6 高 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺 关注对比 Breville铂富BOV845BSS Smart Oven Pro台面对流智能烤箱 慢煮功能 10种烹饪功能 Element iQ系统 大容量 10 种烹饪功能,LCD 显示屏 京东价 ¥降价通知
亚马逊海外购 Breville BOV845BSS Smart Oven Pro Convection Toaster Oven with Element IQ, 1800 W, Stainless Steel-厨具-亚马逊中国-海外购 美亚直邮历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Breville BOV845BSS Smart Oven Pro Convection Toaster Oven with Element IQ, 1800 W
一次可以烤制一个11吋披萨、预留3个架子的位置,一个可以拉开的抽屉。 美亚海淘链接:Breville BOV450XL Mini Smart Oven with Element IQ 3 Breville BOV845BSS Pro 对流恒温 智能烤箱 内设烧烤、土司、煎饼、糕点、全鸡、比萨、饼干、重新加热等烘烤功能,一键式功能键、时间和温度调节旋钮。采用对流恒温技术,温度更...
Rec. use ResidentialBreville Smart Oven Air Fryer Toaster Oven, Brushed Stainless Steel, BOV860BSS 1Breville BOV845BSS the Smart Oven Pro ResidentialBreville BOV900BSS Convection and Air Fry Smart Oven Air ResidentialBreville BOV450XL Mini Smart Oven® Toaster Oven ResidentialCuisinart Airfryer Toas...
Condition NewBreville BOV450XL Mini Smart Oven® Toaster Oven NewNinja 10-in-1 Double Oven with FlexDoor, Rapid Top Oven, Convection and Air Fry Bottom Oven, Stainless Steel, DCT400 NewBreville BOV845BSS the Smart Oven Pro NewNuwave Pro Toaster Oven & Air Fryer, 1800W Oven & Air Fryer...
The issue is with the push button on the "Control PCB". It appears that one of the legs in the switch no longer connects or shorts and it causes it to trigger the "Convection" button instead. The fix is to replace that switch or order a new circuit board. I ended up un-soldering ...