The Express Impress comes with a 250g bean hopper, steel portafilter, steel milk jug, water filter holder with filter, four filter baskets (different sizes), cleaning tablets, a dose trimming tool, Allen key, cleaning tool for the steam wand, cleaning disc, descaling powder, and cleaning ...
Are you one of those that find it hard to wake up without a cup of aromatic coffee and feel drowsy until you get to a coffee shop and make an energy-boosting sip? If so, you will definitely appreciate having an espresso machine in your home. Not sure what brand to go for? Discover...
Inside the pitcher are more items: the single and double standard filter baskets, a blind filter for backflushing the machine, some cleaning tablets, and a descaler powder for deep cleaning the machine. The box is interesting, in that the main product image and instructional panels are on the...