Breville BOV800XL 1800瓦 智能烤箱,原價$269.95,現僅售$184.99,免運費。 採用了Element IQ 智能技術,能更好的控制加熱溫度;自帶9個預設模式;藍色背光LCD顯示屏。內設燒烤、土司、煎餅、糕點、全雞、比薩、餅乾、重新加熱等烘烤功能,一鍵式功能鍵、時間和溫度調節旋鈕。各種選項妥善料理各種食材,除了對各個區域動態...
#兔妈双十一15点团# Breville BOV800CRNXL铂富烤箱。“烤箱中的徕卡”。国人好像都更爱大的集成烤箱,美国人却更偏爱桌上迷你烤箱。别看广告说能放几层,真正有效能烤出好吃的也就一层。不然就是烤焦或者不熟。它的魅力在于就算你厨艺马马虎虎,使用烤箱设置好的9种预设模式,也能够做出美味的菜肴。做工精细,细节...
Breville BOV800XL Smart Oven 1800-Watt Convection Toaster...SIWAPHONG KIATTALERNGRIT
Breville Model TOB-260 BOV800XL Origin China China About the Product Cuisinart®’s Chef’s Convection Toaster Oven boasts 15 cooking functions and offers special settings for speed convection, sandwiches, and bagels. With 1800 watts, the Oven quickly heats up and the Exact Heat™ sensor prod...
The issue is with the push button on the "Control PCB". It appears that one of the legs in the switch no longer connects or shorts and it causes it to trigger the "Convection" button instead. The fix is to replace that switch or order a new circuit board. I ended up un-soldering ...
Is Your Oven As Smart as the Breville BOV800XL Smart Oven?Alan Meurs