Returns a shape built by the shape construction algorithm. Raises exception StdFail_NotDone if the shape was not built. Reimplemented fromBRepBuilderAPI_MakeShape. void BRepAlgoAPI_Algo::UserBreak()const protected Breaks the execution if the break signal is indicated by myProgressIndicator. Standard...
Use, for e.g., the following DRAW command to verify this > bopcheck Comp The result is: V/V: x7 x40 V/E: x11 x42 V/E: x17 x60 E/E: x12 x42 E/E: x25 x60 V/F: x21 x67 E/F: x22 x67 E/F: x29 x67 F/F: x31 x67 In accordance with the specification "...The argu...