The table below provides a list of most of the major cat registries around the world. If you do require additional information regardingregistered cat breeders, catbreed standards, cat clubs and cat associations, you may want to contact them for assistance or information. ...
Checkout the list of Cat Breeds A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|R|S|T|U|V|W|Y Cat Breeds Beginning With A Abyssinian Accicat Allerca Aegean cat African Golden Cat African Shorthair Afro-Chausie Alaskan Snow cat Albino Siamese Algerian cat Alpine Lynx Alpaca cat American Blue...
Check out all the breed profiles, take your time, go and meet the different breeds that make your shortlist and remember that when you finally take your new cat home they are going live with you for many years to come so choose wisely.A...
Find the best cat breed for you and your family. Learn about its price, personality, lifespan, grooming, shedding, and more.
Maine Coonis a domestic cat and has a distinctive physical appearance. It is the official cat in the state of Maine. The Maine Coon has a large bone structure. This breed of cat was popular in cat shows. Its coat is long and flowing and the body is rectangular in shape. The Maine Co...
There are over 100 types of cat breeds, classified as either purebred or domestic. Purebreds have a lineage that traces back their pedigree history, while domestic cats do not. Purebreds are also the only cat breeds recognized by major cat associations g
A list of all cat breeds which provides a quick reference guide to different cat breeds from around the world. Worldwide there are some70 registered cat breeds. The origin of many of the breeds can be debated and some experts may disagree with the country of origin. ...
Some of them even resemble other BIG WILD CATS from the family. Here the list of 10 largest cat breeds in the world. 10 Chausie credit of image : By Wilczakrew – Own Work, Wikimedia, CC BY SA 3.0 Size : Male – 9-15 pounds Female – 7 – 10 Pounds Chausie is a large hybrid...
Define List of breeds. List of breeds synonyms, List of breeds pronunciation, List of breeds translation, English dictionary definition of List of breeds. v. bred , breed·ing , breeds v. tr. 1. To produce ; give birth to or hatch. 2. To bring about; eng
Cat Breed List of Grey Cats Here you find a cat breed list of grey cats - also called blue cats Blue Eyed Cats Searching for information about blue eyed cats? This is the place! Bobtail Cats Adorable, beautiful bobtail cats - no less feline for the lack of a tail!