Our My Singing Monsters breeding guide is all you need to get all of the crooning critters while raising them to be the best they can be.
Find the best My Singing Monsters breed combinations, incubation times, eggs, images and forums at My Singing Monsters Breed at Neggs Network!
Once you get more advanced in My Singing Monsters and start getting all the four element and legendary monsters, you’ll want to teleport them to other islands, use the Ethereal Island, and make some of the truly unique and hard to acquire monsters. Here’s a quick list of formulas for ...
My Singing Monsters Breeding has every combination for My Singing Monsters monster breeding! Find out the most efficient method of breeding your favorite monster at My Singing Monsters Breeding: http://mysingingmonsters.neggsnetwork.com
I dislike it greatly when BBB is nice to us and makes rare monsters not rare anymore. I get it, it´s so we can get the Rareblins easier, but it´s taking up all my regular breeding! I need common Deege to wake up Whajje, so far I have gotten only Rare Deege. It makes ...