The Cavapoo is a cross between the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the Miniature Poodle. He was first bred in the 1950s in an attempt to create a dog who would be both hypoallergenic and easy to train. The Cavapoo has become a popular choice for families because of its friendly personali...
Kings Court Cavaliers Quality Breeders Cavalier King Charles Spaniels CHAMPION RIVER OAK LALIQUE Our Champion Lalique #1 AKC Cavalier Bitch for 2008 2008 Eukanuba National Championship BOS – 2009 Westminster Kennel Club BOS 2008 Best In Specialty Show – CKCSC of Greater Houston...
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Kennel Vandens Stichija We are the breeders of Portuguese Water dogs for over ten years. They are our joy and pride. With time we are learning more and more about the Breed and our bloodlines too. Our aim is to breed the dogs of sound character and good hea...
Glenna Wright Glentom Bull Terriers are members of the Bull Terrier Club of America (BTCA), BTC Dallas, and Texas Gulf Coast BTC members. Balgaire Cavaliers Breed:Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Location:Seabeck, Washington Phone:(360) 830-5760 ...
In addition to letting our new Cavalier king charles spaniel puppies have free range of our home (which is totally fenced), they also have what we call the “Summer Home“. This hilltop home with a spectacular view is another whole separate building and fenced play area including a huge gra...
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Kennel Vandens Stichija We are the breeders of Portuguese Water dogs for over ten years. They are our joy and pride. With time we are learning more and more about the Breed and our bloodlines too. Our aim is to breed the dogs of sound character and good hea...
AKC Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Dallas Fort Worth Breeder of Puppies in Texas. Our health certified champion show dogs live freely in our family home. Champion sired Wholecolor and Particolor Cavalier puppies and young adults occasionally for sale.