Persian cat (redirected fromChinchilla Longhair (breed)) Thesaurus Encyclopedia Related to Chinchilla Longhair (breed):Himalayan cat,Siamese cat Persian cat n (Breeds) a long-haired variety of domestic cat with a stocky body, round face, short nose, and short thick legs ...
The front legs are slightly longer than the back Thin, long tail with classic black tip These cats are street cats in Egypt and rare everywhere else. An Egyptian Mau mixed breed is often a cross between an Egyptian Mau and a shorthair domestic cat rather than another purebred. Its breed ...
The Maine Coon is the largest domesticated cat breed. That means it will probably need a bigger litter box, depending on its size. Also, it is prone to hip dysplasia with age. You can check out more incredible facts about Maine Coons. The Maine Coon is the largest domestic cat breed in...
Munchkins have personalities that run the gamut of domestic cats. They generally get along well with children, other cats, and dogs. Any cat should be kept as an indoor-only cat to ensure they are not exposed to diseases from other cats, fights, attacks, or accidents. Spaying or neuterin...
If you want a pet that’s as small and friendly as a regular housecat yet retains many of the characteristics of much larger jungle cats, then the Savannah cat may be the pet for you. These cats resulted from the purposeful crossbreeding of domestic cats and servals, which are medium-siz...
The Minskin cat is a 'miniature cat breed' - a short-legged cat with fur points on the tail, legs, face, nose and ears. TRT Tiger Lily | blue tabby Minskin female | founder breeder and owner Paul McSorley TRT Cattery | cat photo courtesy of Paul McSorley ...
This domestic cat has arobust physique. It is strong-boned, with solid muscles a deep chest and broad shoulders. Its neck is short and heavy-set Itslegs are short, sturdy, but fine-boned and straight. They are fondly described as'potatoes on toothpicks'. ...
The Savannah Cat breed is a crossbreed of a domestic cat with an African Serval. The first kitten, named “Savannah”, was born on April 7, 1986 and the first generation possessed traits of both domestic cats and African Servals. They had the Serval’s size but the tameness of a domesti...
Across their entire bodies, Manx are round cats. Their round heads feature circular eyes and blunt-tipped ears, and their globe-like bodies bear an almost bunny-like shape at rest. With slightly longer hind legs, they are also one of the best jumpers, pound-for-pound, among domestic cats...
They allow breeders to trade cats with a good understanding of the cat s breed and colour, but not the underlying genetics of a cat. They are based on a cat s ancestry, not on its genetic make-up. Some smaller registries have added their own codes for breeds that are not widely ...