Sleep-relatedbreathingdisorders are a group of disorders that affect our breathing while we are asleep, and are characterized by disruptions of standard breathing patterns that only occur during sleep. Therefore, the person with the disorder may be the last to know he or she has a problem. Slee...
Breathing-Related Sleep DisordersLearning Objectives Describe sleep apnea and other breathing-related sleep disorders Sleep ApneaSleep apnea is defined by episodes during which a sleeper’s breathing stops. Sleep apnea episodes can last 10–20 seconds or longer and often are associated with brief ...
Central sleep apneaHypoxemiaHypoventilationPolysomnographyPOSITIVE-PRESSURE VENTILATIONAPNEASTIMULATIONMULTICENTERSleep-related breathing disorders (SRBD) are classified as obstructive (OSA) and central sleep apnea as well as sleep-related hypoxemia and hypoventilation. OSA is the most common and clinically ...
第7 章 睡眠相关呼吸障碍(SLEEP RELATED BREATHING DISORDERS) 77第一节 阻塞型睡眠呼吸中止症候群 77第二节 中枢型睡眠 …|基于2个网页 2. 睡眠相关的呼吸障碍 ...障碍 睡眠相关的呼吸障碍( Disorders) 睡眠相关的呼吸障碍( Sleep Related Breathing Disorders) 中枢性睡眠过度( 中枢性 …we...
breathing-related sleep disorderany of several disorders characterized by sleep disruption due to some sleep-related breathing problem, resulting in excessive sleepiness or insomnia. Included are central and obstructive sleep apnea syndromes (seeadult sleepapnea). ...
The term breathing-related sleep disorder refers to a spectrum of breathing anomalies ranging from chronic or habitual snoring to upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS) to frank obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) or, in some cases, obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS). The American Academy of Sleep ...
(e.g., neuromuscular disorders), or a combination of them. In contrast, CSAS are eucapnic (PaCO2≤ 45 mmHg) or even hypocapnic (PaCO2< 40) sleep-related breathing disorders characterized by intermittently diminished/increased or absent respiratory efforts (i.e., hypopneic, hyperpneic,...
These disorders can be classified into a hypercapnic and a non-hypercapnic group on the basis of awake PaCO2. In the hypercapnic group, they have an already blunted respiratory drive that is further reduced during sleep, resulting in central sleep apnea usually from syndromes such as central ...
The purpose was to examine the occurrence of sleep-related breathing disorders (SRBD) and variables related to SRBD in patients with acute lacunar stroke. In 68 consecutive patients with radiologically proven lacunes, respiratory polygraphy within the first 48 h of stroke onset was performed. SRBD...
KaramichaliBarlasciniNicolini AntonelloPiroddi IMG, Karamichali S, Barlascini C C, et al. Obesity and breathing related sleep disorders: concise clinical review. SMJ Pulm Med. 2015; 1: 1002.Piroddi IMG, Karamichali S, Barlascini C, et al. Obesity and breathing related sleep disorders: ...