Diving centers, fire brigades, hospitals and other institutions relying on absolutely pure andsafebreathingairhave already trusted for years in the proven measuring technology of the AEROTEST SIMULTAN HP. bauergroup.com bauergroup.com 呼吸空气是否纯净和是否安全对潜水行业、消防部门、医院等机构尤为重要,...
Effect of breathing pure oxygen on erythropoiesisNo Abstract available for this article.doi:10.1007/BF00804441I. S. BreslavO. V. KlestovaO. I. MoiseevaA. M. ShmelevaKluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum PublishersBulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine...
If the theory was correct,breathingair with extra carbon dioxide should have triggered yawning, whilebreathingpure oxygen should have suppressed yawning. 如果疲劳理论是正确的,那么当人吸入额外的二氧化碳时,应该能够激发打哈欠;当吸入纯氧时应该能够抑制打哈欠。
1. 呼吸用空气 释义: 全部,呼吸用空气,呼吸空气标准,可呼吸空气,呼吸空气系列 1. Studentsbreathingpureoxygendidnotyawnlessthanthosebreathingairwithhigherthannormallevelsofcarbon dioxide. 呼吸纯氧的学生们并不比那些呼吸比通常水平更高的二氧化碳的人少打哈欠。
An ideal PFC for respiratory application should have the properties of high gas solubility and moderatevapor pressureand viscosity. These properties, however, may not be found in a single pure PFC. Thus, recent studies are focusing on PFC combinations that may optimize the fluid properties to bett...
breathing - the bodily process of inhalation and exhalation; the process of taking in oxygen from inhaled air and releasing carbon dioxide by exhalation external respiration, respiration, ventilation artificial respiration - an emergency procedure whereby breathing is maintained artificially abdominal breathing...
adjectivepassing or able to pass air in and out of the lungs normally; sometimes used in combination nounthe bodily process of inhalation and exhalation; the process of taking in oxygen from inhaled air and releasing carbon dioxide by exhalation ...
It is odorless, heavier than air, and puts out fires, including ours – if breathed in its pure form, it will quickly cause suffocation. It is present in the atmosphere at a concentration of around 2/100 of 1% – low enough to be innocuous to us, but still at a level which sustains...
Progressive deterioration in short-term memory while breathing pure oxygen at normal atmospheric pressure.POULTON, E. C.Survey of Anesthesiology
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanning of subjects at rest has become a major neuroimaging paradigm, termed functional connectivity or resting state MRI1. In these scans, subjects lie quietly, often staring at a crosshair, for 5–15 min or more, performing no particular instructed...