“Breathe呼吸”杂志05期《每一天都是美丽的新冒险》 《Breathe呼吸》杂志,英文原名《Breathe and make time for yourself》,被称作“快时代的治愈之书”。 Breathe编辑部创立于英国,旨在帮助大众获得更轻松、更平静的阅读体验,内容宗旨是帮助大家“把更多的时间留给自己”; 每一期都包含清新的插画、手工制作及艺术内...
负能量的人一定要去读!!! 如这本书所说,焦虑和无力感是这个时代的特征,那就 :Breathe and make time for yourself 吧!#焦虑 #治愈 #呼吸杂志 #治愈系书籍推荐 #图文种草机 - 白日梦想家✨于20240114发布在抖音,已经收获了311.4万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
x1¥38.30呼吸03:后退一步(一本快时代的身心药书!也许焦虑和无力感是这个时代的特征,那就“Breathe and make time for yourself”吧。) 开本:16开 纸张:特种纸 包装:平装 是否套装:是 国际标准书号ISBN:9787521715903 所属分类:图书>成功/励志>心灵与修养>心灵/感悟 ...
Breathe and make time for yourself!@钟立风 @青山周平@青音 们的呼吸心法来了~ http://t.cn/A6t6duB5
Breathe and make more time for yourself ~~Be kind,be gentle and be loving to oneself~~away from people~~stop,feel,freedom ~~relexing in your life and doing the things you like... 2上海 上海 上海(Shanghai),简称“......
"Breathe: The Stress Less Podcast" Feel Guilty For Taking Time for Yourself? 6 Signs of Codependency & How to Break Free #111 (Podcast Episode 2024) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...
3. The doctor told him to breathe in deeply and then breathe out. 医生叫他先深深吸一口气,然后再把气吐出来。 breathe 情景对话 在医院 A:What’s wrong with you? You look pale. 你有什么不舒服吗?你看起来很苍白。 breathe的意思 B:I’m not sure, I feel hot and cold. ...
What’s that? I can’t have that 24-7, 100% of the time? Ok, cue tantrum: closed off body, cold, unresponsive, brows furrow slightly, eyes give a look that could pierce steel and make you feel like you’re the scum of the earth, and a few sarcastic and defensive comments to clo...
Breathe+ is a beautifully simple way to visualize your breathing. Use Breathe+ for daily relaxation, meditation or breath training. "Relax, de-stress, and fi…
在Apple Music 上收听群星的《Breathe to Heal – Emotional Music to Take Time for Yourself, Pause and Listen to Your Heart》。2019年。20 首歌曲。时长:1 小时 50 分钟