Play Zelda Breath of the Wild on CEMU hotpasta 一条INTP咸鱼 2 人赞同了该文章 折腾了一下午, 试了两种不同的版本,一个是美版,一个是老男孩发布的基于日版的汉化版本集合。 先说美版,目前美版没有相关汉化资源(我是没有找到),如果英语足够好直接下美版。参考 ...
Zelda: Breath of the Wild (CEMU) 0 Post by Postposterous » Wed Aug 01, 2018 2:30 pm [QUOTE="rei_hunter, post: 53463, member: 6498"]Does this table still work for current CEMU Version?Essentially, 1.12.2d or the latest one?[/QUOTE]You could try it, but from what I've exp...
Zelda: Breath of the Wild just got a Clarity Pack mod that makes the game look even better and crisper on PC via CEMU.
Zelda Breath Of The Wild, the new entry in the series released last week on Switch and Wii U in all regions, is very unlikely coming to other formats, but PC players with a powerful machine have the chance to try out the Wii U version of the game through the Cemu emulator. In just ...
The advantage that "Breath of the Wild" on the CEMU has on the Switch version is, of course, the bigger screen of the PC. Apart from that, PCs having better hardware are also capable of running the game on resolutions higher than thenative720p of the Sw...
在线看Cemu 1.7.4 4k | Zelda: Breath of the Wild Gameplay 6分钟 24秒。2017 4月 3的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册!
《塞尔达传说:旷野之息(The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)》是一款动作冒险游戏,由任天堂企划制作本部开发与发行,于2017年发行于任天堂Switch和Wii U主机。《塞尔达传说 旷野之息》是塞尔达传说系列游戏的第十九部,设定在塞尔达时间线的末端。在游戏中,玩家透过操纵主人公林克在世界中探索,从而击败灾厄盖侬,...
A legal, unpacked game dump ofThe Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wildfor Switch (version 1.6.0) or Wii U (version 1.5.0) The latest x64 Visual C++ redistributable Cemu (optional) Setup There are two main ways to install BCML.
Подскажите, для CEMU, игры Breath of the Wild какойподойдётджойстик.P. S. напримете 2 джойстика dualshok4 vs xbox one最新动态:Кто-тохочетвестиданнуюгруппочку? 喜欢 显示分享列表...
[cemu]path=D:\Programs\Cemu;Path to Cemufullscreen=true;Fullscreencores=0,2,4,6;Comma/space delimited list of allowed corescmdline=;Additional Cemu command line parameters[game]path=D:\Games\WiiU\The Legend of Zelda - Breath of the Wild;Path to the gameelevate=true;Run game with admin ...