Of the 143849 characters on Anime Characters Database, 4 are from the video game Breath of Fire IV.
Gallery of official artwork and character designs from Breath of Fire III, featuring concept art for the game's characters by Tatsuya Yoshikawa.
Game Boy Advance Longplay -037- Breath of Fire II (Part 5 of 5) See also For a list ofBreath of Fire IICharacters, seehere For a list ofBreath of Fire IILocations, seehere For a list ofBreath of Fire IIAbilities, seehere
Breath of Fire Wiki Explore Main Page Discuss All Pages Community Interactive Maps Recent Blog Posts Games Breath of Fire Breath of Fire II Breath of Fire III Breath of Fire IV Breath of Fire V Breath of Fire 6 More... Characters Ryu Nina Deis Myria Masters...
However, in each Breath of Fire game, the two main characters are invariably called Ryu (Japanese for "dragon") and Nina. These characters may have different personalities and their common story is different each time, though Ryu always possesses the ability to transform into a dragon, and ...
可以玩的 人物(Playable Characters) 克雷(Cray) 可以玩的 人物 / Ershin 2 png 2352px 可以玩的 人物(Playable Characters) Ershin 尼娜 2 png 3556px 可以玩的 人物(Playable Characters) 尼娜(Nina) 可以玩的 人物 / Scias 2 png 1580px 可以玩的 人物(Playable Characters) Scias Ryu(...
可以玩的 人物(Playable Characters) 结局精灵(Ending Sprites) 沫沫 png 1876px 可以玩的 人物(Playable Characters) 沫沫(Momo) 尼娜 png 1588px 可以玩的 人物(Playable Characters) 尼娜(Nina) 佩 png 1192px 可以玩的 人物(Playable Characters) 佩(Peco) 可以玩的 人物 / Rei png 1932px...
to that meaning, Nina's name translates to fire (although there are also several meanings for her name, but each meaning fits her character), which ties in perfectly to the theme of the series; this also ties in as to why Ryu and Nina are always the recurring characters in each story....
Characters Quotes Nina19 views Random M F X Animal Ears ☰ Menu >>> ID15223 NameNina Other Namesニーナ Wealth RoleUnsorted FromBreath of Fire III Media Typevideo game Voiced By Tagswings,dress,boots,ponytail,hair ribbon Personality
Fire Breath is an ability Bowser can use in various games. True to its name, Fire Breath is a stream of fire that is expelled from the user's mouth. Although it is the signature ability of Bowser and, by extension, his skeletal form, other members...