Using sources from the fourth century CE, Thomas E. Hunt analyses how people imagined breath in late antiquity. Breathing was a way to mark out and understand human difference in the complex social world of the late Roman Empire. In this context, a person's breath was used to judge the ...
希尔瓦娜斯 Sylvanas - LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I PRESENT TO YOU END OF SEASON GRANDMASTER 17:52 纳兹波 Nazeebo Ravenous Spirit - THE TOADS ARE FLANKING! TOOOOADS EVERYWHERE!! 19:12 泽拉图 Zeratul MotN - GOING HUNTING FOR SOME CHICKEN! - Grandmaster Storm League 16:12 雷加尔 Rehgar Ancestral...
by Raymond A. Foss audibly, the sound of His breath breathing life, the Holy Spirit received physically, the risen messiah standing in their midst the locked door no barrier unbound by human life risen in the flesh breathing the spirit upon, into each heart the words of peace to you sendin...
In the New Testament, the Breath of God is closely associated with the Holy Spirit. In John 20:22 , after His resurrection, Jesus imparts the Holy Spirit to His disciples: "When He had said this, He breathed on them and said, 'Receive the Holy Spirit.'" This act signifies the ...
A gentle yoga practice should rest, relax, restore, and heal the body, mind, and soul. Divine Breath is a translated name of the Holy Spirit – this yoga ministry is a calling from God to help others find healing. By request, Candace has led yoga practices on mats, chairs, or in the...
But later sin came into our lives, and even though we were physically alive, we were “dead in [our] transgressions and sins” (Ephesians 2:1). Through Christ’s finished work, however, we are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17), and through the Holy Spirit we produce the fruit of...
Enter into this flame and let it be agitated by the breath of Thy Holy Spirit. Manifest Thy power and open for me the temple of almighty God which is within this fire! Manifest thy light for my regeneration, and let the breadth, height, fullness and crown of the solar radiance appear,...
听Breath of Fire: A Powerful Piano Tribute to the Holy Spirit跟踪或浏览更多现代古典音频。✓ 免版税音乐下载 ✓ 浏览数千个音频
What we didn’t know then, we know now. In the awful dark of those early days, somewhere in the deeps of his soul, the Holy Spirit whispered to his tenacious will, “arise.” And it responded as He’d created it to — with indignation and flailing rage against all the forces working...
that there is a unique Triune God, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit; that Jesus Christ is the Son of God incarnated to be a man; that Christ died on the cross for our sins, shedding His blood for our redemption; that on the third day He was bodily raised from the dead; that...