How can I motivate my husband or partner to support me with breastfeeding? As early as during pregnancy, start explaining to your husband about the many benefits of breastfeeding. Make sure to stress its significance to your baby's health as an infant and even on his wellness in the ...
The consensus was this: the distraction at the breast is normal for this age. Several suggested feeding in a low lit room. While I find this to be helpful during feedings he needs/wants, the reality is that we’ve simply had to cut out some of the feedings we once had… which is ...
This is how we felt. For the first week or two my husband and I cried a lot. Up to these days I can’t think of any particular reason why we cried. But the whole experience of delivery and first weeks of breastfeeding felt like a burden on our shoulders that we weren’t able to...
Plenty of new parents have sex when their baby is in the room, but actually breastfeeding while doing the deed is definitely different.
Breastfeeding triggers all sorts of feelings, and hormones and chemicals that allow us to extend the connection and bond that starts when you make love and a little one is conceived, grows during pregnancy and extends through the first few years of life. In some respects, breastfeeding is a...
“I feel like Jack is going to be one of those kids that breastfeeds until 7 years old,” I said to my husband one day when Jack was around 1 year old. I had been learning a lot about breastfeeding, mostly through the moms at The Badass Breastfeeder Facebook community. I learned ...
when airbrushing celebrity figures to make them “perfect” is the accepted norm, when a woman’s worth is presented as being entirely wrapped up in her sex appeal, when women’s (and men’s) bodies are used to sell things, when objectifying a human being for their body is lucrative, ...
’ She was experiencing signs of early labor when she called me to start heading in her direction, shortly after the call, her water broke. Her husband got her to the car and she began pushing on the short drive to the hospital. When she arrived to her room, her baby was already ...
I no longer feel comfortable, nor do I let my husband see me naked. I’m very self-conscious now and seriously wish there was something I could do about it that wouldn’t put me in debt." — Krystal B., 32, three children "Yes and no. I don’t like them during the transition ...
would “perform the desire-fulfilling rite in the genital parts of the expectant woman with the recitation of mantras”: it is only after this ritual that the husband and the wife should have sexual intercourse “for eight nights” so that they can “procreate a son according to desire”. ...