Pregnant women must not take Fenugreek from the first to the last trimester. The reason is that after the intake of the plant, the smooth muscles of theuteruscontract. Therefore there is a risk ofpremature birth. Though, some women sometimes drink Fenugreek brew before giving birth to facilitat...
In animals it is established that lactation and pup suckling plays an important role in maintaining maternal responses. Previous research suggests that breastfeeding is associated with sensitive maternal responses in human mothers. However, this may be because women who are more sensitive to their ...
I want to earn respect by being a good and patient and feeling no need to advise, cajole, convince, might I want to collaborate and co-conspire and co create with women that already know what it is they wish to be and do. Create more content for a demographic I had deluding myself ...
Women somehow managed to nurse their babies for millions of years before the internet came along. Now, when you Google “breastfeeding”, thousands of breastfeeding sites will pop up. Unfortunately, lots of the breastfeeding information out there is crap, even some provided by so called ‘profe...
Investigators in our study have commonly encountered women in their epilepsy clinics who have been told that they should not breastfeed because it is unsafe for the child. Recently, a woman with focal epilepsy was first encountered in the postpartum period by one of us (P.B.P.). After del...
Breastfeeding — the main source of active and passive immunity in the vulnerable early months and years of life — is considered to be the most effective preventive means of reducing the death rate of children under five. Given this, one must wonder why it has slipped quietly down the prior...
a hormone. Oxytocin helps your uterus contract back to size after birth, resulting in less bleeding. This hormone has been called the “love hormone” by scientists who have proven it responsible for promoting the desire to nurture and protect in animals and results in a feeling of relaxation ...
Breasts are meant to nourish infants, even animals know that! If breast milk without introducing milk products too early can prevent a life time of illness, why aren't young moms told by doctor's and nurses the complications that their children will bear?
My baby accompanied me to the office acouple of days a week and all of the men I worked with gave me privacy, exceptthis one guy. However, the women were all welcomed to enter my little office atany point. Here I was trying to be a progressive mama, nursing my baby on thejob, bu...
My mom told me that it was the opposite back in the 60's when I was born. No one breastfed because the word of the day was that formula was best. One of my mom's friends refused to breastfeed her babies because she felt it was "barbarbic," like what animals do. Nowadays, it...