威斯康星州乳腺癌数据集是scikitlearm(skleam)库中-一个常用的内置数据集,用于分类任务。该数据集包含了从乳腺癌患者收集的肿瘤特征的测量值,以及相应的良性(benign)或恶性(malignant)标签。以下是对该数据集的简单介绍: 数据集名称:威斯康星州乳腺癌数据集(BreastCancerWisconsinDataset) 数据集来源:数据集最初由威斯康...
and the other is transformed into the standard .data and .names format and stored in the repository. 中文关键词: 乳腺癌,预测,复发,DNA 微阵列分析,基因表达, 英文关键词: Breast Cancer,prediction,relapse,DNA microarray analysis,gene expression, 数据格式: TEXT 数据用途: The gene expression profile ...
机器学习_Breast Cancer(肯特岗生物医学数据集--乳腺癌)介绍.pdf,Breast Cancer(肯特岗生物医学数据集--乳腺癌) 数据摘要: Patients outcome prediction for breast cancer. The training data contains 78 patient samples, 34 of which are from patients who had develo