However, the success of screening programmes depends on their ability to attract the at-risk population, as well as the analytical specificity and sensitivity of the screening test itself. The NHS Breast Screening Programme attracts about three-quarters of the invited population each year. In 2010,...
The future trial should ideally be in a screening site or a nearby community location to inform how these programmes could be integrated within the NHSBSP or be fully remote or online. It should also include a number of centres, and not just one as tested in this feasibility study. The ...
Working-class women experience structural factors, like low income, stress and difficult life circumstances, which hamper primary prevention practices and for some screening is not considered or prioritised, and their decisions not to screen are less active. Affluent women often do not consider ...
Introduction: Full Field Digital mammography (FFDM) gradually replaced film screen mammography (FSM) in the English NHS breast cancer screening programme (NHSBSP) between 2008 and 2015. We report, for the first time, the impact of digital mammography in a large organised national screening programme...
Screening Further improvement and cost-effectiveness of the NHS breast cancer screening programme could include tomography, ultrasound and automated methods for the measurement of volumetric mammographic density (using software programs such as Quantra or Volpara) and automatically using these for risk strat...
Women referred from the clinics are contacted by telephone for a screening interview. A researcher conducts an eligibility check using the above criteria and explains what happens in the two arms of the trial and the randomisation process. Those eligible and interested in participating are sent a ...
Through this collaboration, they saw the number of patients attending vital breast screening appointments increase by 13% – among the best in the country. It soon became clear that people using social media expected round-the-clock responses, which prompted the need for a new system...
What do women think about having received their breast cancer risk as part of a risk-stratified NHS Breast Screening Programme? A qualitative study Article Open access 24 May 2023 Using the Candidacy Framework to understand individual, interpersonal, and system level factors driving inequities in ...
This SR of SRs is a part of the Re-Screen research project focusing on individualized rehabilitation for women treated for BC that is supported by Governmental funding of clinical research within the NHS (National Health Service), The Swedish Breast Cancer Association and Percy Falk foundation. The...
Evans DG, Astley S, Stavrinos P, Harkness E, Donnelly LS, Dawe S, Jacob I, Harvie M, Cuzick J, Brentnall A, Wilson M, Harrison F, Payne K, Howell A (2016) Improvement in risk prediction, early detection and prevention of breast cancer in the NHS Breast Screening Programme and family...