Rather than analysing the effects of altering screening intensity or avoiding screening in low-risk women, a large Swedish cohort with linkage to several national databases (n > 5,000,000 women) was used to assess whether earlier screening starting ages could be appropriate for some women. ...
. Some suggested that a risk assessment could also be conducted or mentioned during cervical cancer screening appointments, but there were concerns about adding additional stress and/or anxiety to these already challenging healthcare appointments. There is also evidence that women prefer information by ...
For example, it is not the policy of the United Kingdom NHS Breast Screening Programme to exclude BC survivors. The only women who are discontinued from the programme are those with bilateral mastectomy, those who are considered by general practitioners to be medically unsuitable due to terminal ...
Women referred from the clinics are contacted by telephone for a screening interview. A researcher conducts an eligibility check using the above criteria and explains what happens in the two arms of the trial and the randomisation process. Those eligible and interested in participating are sent a ...
Furthermore, text-message reminders could potentially save breast screening services money through improved efficiency (i.e. fewer missed appointments because of increased patient cancellations and increased uptake); however, a cost-effectiveness analysis is needed to confirm this. Text-message reminders ...