Papillary Neoplasm In general, the presence of numerous histiocytes in a proteinaceous background should always lead one to consider the possibility of a papillary neoplasm. It is a relatively nonspecific but sensitive finding that serves as a flag to look for features such as degenerative cytoplasmi...
fibrous tissue formation in response to neoplasm molecular classifications of ductal cacinoma - not oterhwise specified (this is invasive type!)talk about Luminal A and Luminal B remember chart wit the diff pathways Luminal A (40-55%), ER+, Her2/NEU -ve: post menopasual, slow growing, we...
Breast neoplasm Ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence Oncologic outcomes Lymphoscintigraphy Sentinel lymph node biopsy 1. Introduction Ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence is defined as a recurrent breast cancer in the ipsilateral breast. Despite the regular treatment practice of BCS and SLNB followed by adjuvan...